Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can I file a Mechanic's Lien against a town where I as a trucker transported ballpark sand to one of their ball fields and didn't get paid by the seller of the sand?

Can I file a Mechanic's Lien against a town where I as a trucker transported ballpark sand to one of their ball fields and didn't get paid by the seller of the sand?

ConnecticutBond ClaimsMechanics LienRecovery Options

We picked up the ballpark sand from the sellers location and transported it to the town's ball field and have not been paid for the transportation by the seller. The town and our office are in Connecticut and the seller is in New Jersey.

1 reply

Levelset Admin at Levelset
| 974 reviews
Dec 20, 2017
Unfortunately, mechanics lien rights will not be available against public property. While bond claims are often available when a public project is in play, in Connecticut, bonds are only required when a public project exceeds $100,000. If a bond was required on the project and procured by the Seller, then a Connecticut bond claim would be available and a claim against the bond must be made more than 60, but less than 180, days after either the payment date or the last furnishing or labor and/or materials to the project, depending on whether the amount due (that serves as the basis for the claim) was included in the project bid.
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