My company was hired to do a job at a public university in Oxford Ohio to supply landscape materials "Turf Grass Sod" the Job started August 10th, 2022 and our last delivery was dated October 10th, 2022. Payment terms for this job were Net 30 so the billing shows them as only 23 days Past Due
For a public project, you're not out of time. But whether you have "lien rights" depends on a couple of things - was the supply of landscape materials for a particular project or just for general use by the university; was your company hired by the university or the university's contractor / vendor, or a subcontractor
We provided the Sod for a specific Project, hired by a subcontractor
An Ohio licensed and bonded commercial collection agency can collect this account on a contingency bases and depending on your contract the fee can be added to the account. Feel free to contact me for a free quote and all your collection options. Best regards, Steve