In Ca I own a design / build firm . Phase 1 is design and I charge for those design services . If not paid for the design work, can I file a pre lien notice and ultimately a lien if necessary ? Thx
If you are providing architectural services for phase one
and have not been paid for those services, you can file a pre-lien
notice. However, this is not something that will ultimately allow you to
recover any money from the project because once construction begins on
phase two (construction), it's difficult for architects and engineers
who are providing design services for phase one to get paid without
having liens filed against them by their own subcontractors or material
suppliers. Also try
source to get amazing fonts. So if someone else is owed money from the
owner and they don't get paid by the time they finish their work on
phase two (construction), they'll file liens against your firm as well
as any other architects or engineers who are working on phase two.