
Welby, Brady & Greenblatt, LLP.

11 Martine Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, New York
(914) 428-2100
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About Welby, Brady & Greenblatt, LLP.
Welby, Brady & Greenblatt, LLP. is a law firm located in White Plains, New York. The firm has been in business for 32+ years. Their practice areas include Construction Law. Mediation & Arbitration, Real Estate & Land Development. Employment and Labor Law, Commercial Law. Welby, Brady & Greenblatt, LLP. also has an office in 103 Cranford (New Jersey), New Paltz (New York).
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Recent Posts from Welby, Brady & Greenblatt, LLP.
Mar 24, 2023
Mar 24, 2023
From an Anonymous Contractor
ConnecticutMechanics Lien
This is only a portion of the contract; however, regardless, GENERALLY, indemnifcation clauses cannot stop the subcontractor from liening the project (I have
never heard of such a case, with that being said, there is not enough information here). If you need assistance with a lien, please let us know.  
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Jan 24, 2023
Jan 24, 2023
From Randy Foley
New YorkLien ReleasesMechanics Lien
Although you would think that this would be automatic, out of an abundance of caution the county clerk will typically require a court order discharging the
lien. However, that may not be the case if you're well outside of the NYC metro area. The best thing would be to call and ask to speak with a clerk and ask
about the process for releasing the deposited money. If they are requiring a court order, then you're going to have to bring a special proceeding tSee More...
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Dec 4, 2020
From an Anonymous Contractor
ConnecticutConstruction Contract
It depends on what the contract says, if there is a termination for convenience clause, then he can terminate the contract and pay you for work already
performed to date (depending on the language of the contract, facts and circumstances). Please consult an attorney. 
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Jan 10, 2021
Jan 10, 2021
From an Anonymous Contractor
While you may have a claim, this is a very small amount of money. It would cost more to hire an attorney to review this claim than the claim itself, please be
careful out there, and make sure to protect yourself in writing. Verbal communications do very little. 
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Jun 6, 2023
From an Anonymous Contractor
Yes, you should most likely demand payment, file a lien and do not "accept" the back charge. As a subcontractor, you're allowed to rely on the accuracy of
the plans and specifications provided to you by the Owner/GC and if the error/omission in the drawings was the cause of the problem, then you should make
a claim against the GC and the GC should make a claim against the Owner. If you need assistance from an experienced construction attorney, pleSee More...
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