Steve Rauch is a co-founder of the commercial collection agency, Rauch-Milliken International, Inc. (RMI). His firm has a philosophy steeply based in providing the most ethical and professional method of third party accounts receivables management in the market place. Based in the New Orleans metro area, the firm helps contractors and suppliers with commercial & construction collections all across the United States, and has sales offices in Chicago, Denver, Miami, and Baton Rouge. Over the last 31 years we have evolved into a leader in our industry and are proud to partner with many Fortune 100 & 500 companies to produce outstanding results.More...More...
I am not sure what that email address you have pertains to but since the receivable is so past due and since it doesn't appear your efforts will produce payment, I would suggest you place the account with a Certified Commercial Collection Agency of America CCAofA who is licensed and bonded in CT and RI which can collect the account on a contingency fee bases, no collection no fee. If you would like a free quote email or See More...See More...
I would recommend you send your final bill to the responsible party for payment request according to the terms of your contract. Then follow up with a phone call to the responsible party to inquire when payment will be made. Should you not get satisfaction, I would suggest sending the account to a Certified Commercial Collection Agency of America requesting their collection services on a contingency bases or request they send a Free Demand letter See More...See More...
Let a certified commercial collection agency licensed and bonded to collect in CA collect the debt. There's no out of pocket expense for the agency to collect and will only earn a percentage when the debt is successfully resolved. Feel free to contact for more specifics to resolve your account. Best regards, SteveSee More...
Levelset will advise on your lien rights and if you still are not getting paid your next best process would be to let a licensed and bond commercial collection agency in VA collect the debt on a contingency bases. Depending on your contract, collection fees and interest can be added to the debt thus reducing your cost to collect to almost nothing. Let me know how I can further be of assistance and any questions. Best regards getting paid, SteveSee More...
Place the claim with a licensed and bonded commercial collection agency member of CCAofA that can collect the account without having to spend any upfront money and only earns a fee if sucessfully collects the account. For free quote or free referral to the CCAofA list email me Best regards getting your money, Steve See More...