Raised in a family of lawyers and business owners, I am cognizant of the legal needs of business owners. Our goal is to avoid unnecessary legal expense, while defending our client and maximizing business advantage. Lawyers are a necessary but expensive component of any successful business. From formation to business development to conflict resolution, we provide counsel. The sooner we become involved, the more efficient we can be. Court is expensive; avoid it by careful planning; if you end up there, prepare to win; only then, might a worthy settlement arise.
The same is true with your personal life. Estate planning, real estate acquisition, trusts, major asset purchases, and dealing with sometimes unscrupulous third parties. Plan ahead, seek counsel, spend less in planning to avoid major costs in defending or prosecuting claims.
Over my thirty-six plus years, I have represented small, mid-size, national, and international companies providing services and manufacturing goods. This involves corporate governance, contract negotiation, mergers and acquisitions, litigation in federal and state courts, appeals, arbitration, mediation, and even emergency injunctive relief when necessary by obtaining a temporary restraining order. I have dealt with government agencies at the local, county, state, and federal levels.
Additionally, I have helped the men and women who run those businesses in their personal and family matters. This includes wills, trusts, adoptions, guardianship, divorces, and the many trials and tribulations we all go through. More...