Guide to filing a mechanics lien in Monroe County

Where is the Monroe County Recorder's Office that files mechanic liens?

You can file your mechanic liens in person, by mail or by eRecording.

In Person

You can submit your documents to the Monroe County Recorder’s Office located at:

101 N Main Street Room 20
Woodsfield, OH 43793

Phone: 740-472-5264
Fax: 740-472-6069

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00-4:00


You can mail your documents to the following address:

PO Box 152
Woodsfield, OH 43793


The Monroe County Ohio Recorder accepts electronically recorded documents. Many Monroe County Recorder office customers such as: mortgage companies, attorneys, banks and title companies can upload and submit documents. Some savings can be realized in postage and paper. Documents, after eRecording, are returned to the customer via their submitter. Only those document types accepted for
recording through the regular mail are also acceptable for eRecording.

Monroe County Ohio currently accepts eRecordings from four submitting vendors. To compare prices and to begin eRecording with our office, contact:

CSC (Corporation Service Company) (866) 652-0111
ePN (eRecording Partners Network) (888) 325-3365
Indecomm Global Services (877) 272- 5250
Simplifile (800) 460-5657

What is Monroe County's Recording Backlog?

The Monroe County Recorder’s Office does not publicly disclose information on recording backlog. However, note that the county has a next day document turnaround time.

Should I file my mechanics lien in Monroe County?

If your construction project is located in Monroe County, then yes, you should file your lien here.

What are the margin & page size requirements to file a lien in Monroe County?

What are the filing fees to record a mechanics lien in Monroe County?

The Monroe County Recorder’s recording fees are as follows:

Recording Fees

Basic Recording Fees: $28.00 for the first two pages and $8.00 for each additional page

Effective October 17, 2019, the new recording fee will be $34.00 for the first two pages and $8.00 for each additional page

Marginal reference: $4.00

Lien Fees

For Recording MECHANIC’S LIEN Sec. 1311.06 same fee as for deeds, etc.

For Indexing and Recording NOTICE TO COMMENCE SUIT on Mechanic’s Lien same fees as release of mortgage or other liens Sec. 1311.11

Copy Fees

Copies: $2.00 per page
Certified Copies: $2.00 per page plus $1.00 for each seal

How do I get a recorded copy of my lien from the Monroe County Recorder's Office?

You can obtain a recorded copy of your lien in person at the Monroe County Recorder’s Office located at:

101 N Main Street Room 20
Woodsfield, OH 43793

Phone: 740-472-5264
Fax: 740-472-6069

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00-4:00

Copy fees are as follows:

Copies: $2.00 per page
Certified Copies: $2.00 per page plus $1.00 for certification

You can also search for Monroe County’s records online free of charge at: