General Contractor
Truebeck Construction (formerly BNBT Builders) is typically a General Contractor who has worked on 175 jobs in the last 12 months according to available project information. Learn more about Truebeck Construction (formerly BNBT Builders)'s recent projects, testimonials from other contractors, and general payment terms below.
Many things are built. Few things are crafted smart and well. We have an entrepreneurial nature — thinking big, but not acting big — and perform as true builders with boots on the ground. We absolutel...
On average, 21 companies rated Truebeck Construction (formerly BNBT Builders) with mostly positive feedback on past and ongoing construction projects.
Always timely on payment.
good payers. Talk to us if we missed something on our forms
Very friendly general contractor with great service. I recommend Truebeck to others
What are you looking to do?
Resources for Subs of Truebeck Construction (formerly BNBT Builders)Below you can find the job history overview of Truebeck Construction (formerly BNBT Builders). Learn more about jobs Truebeck Construction (formerly BNBT Builders) has worked on by exploring the full job history.
2855 Campus Dr, San Mateo, CA 94403
Truebeck Construction (formerly BNBT Builders) was awarded these awards from Levelset as a nationally recognized contractor for outstanding performance.
669 other companies are following
Always send
Truebeck Construction (formerly BNBT Builders) uses Levelset for preliminary notices. Send Preliminary Notice
Always Exchange
Truebeck Construction (formerly BNBT Builders) uses Levelset for exchanging lien waivers. Exchange a waiver
Usually 10% retainage in California. See typical retainage by State for Truebeck Construction (formerly BNBT Builders).
Others typically said they were paid when paid from Truebeck Construction (formerly BNBT Builders). See what were common payment terms.
Truebeck Construction (formerly BNBT Builders) typically pays in < 15 days. This is self-reported by other contractors at the end of projects.
See all contract term details