
Shawmut Woodworking & Supply, Inc. dba Shawmut Design & Construction

General Contractor

Shawmut Woodworking & Supply, Inc. dba Shawmut Design & Construction Testimonials

70 other subs and suppliers have reviewed their experience with Shawmut Woodworking & Supply, Inc. dba Shawmut Design & Construction. 5 also included specific feedback. Read about their experience, what they enjoyed, and the constructive feedback they wanted to share.

What other contractors are saying about working with Shawmut Woodworking & Supply, Inc. dba Shawmut Design & Construction

How would you describe their payment process, speed, and policy?

Prompt payment

3 years ago

Great client Shawmut is...

4 years ago

Typically pays on time and within the natural rhythm of the job. When there are issues they come up with a plan and take care of their subs.

5 years ago

We've been working with Shawmut since 2004 and have multiple projects with them each year and although they can be slow at paying at times, we never ran into a problem where they did not pay us. And usually, they pay within the first 60-90 days and we understand as it's been this way for them for the past couple decades and this is how their system works. Follow the instructions on the agreement and everything will be fine.

5 years ago

As long as you have all the require paperwork turned in on time you will get paid, they will try to reduce your Change order amounts based on if they can get the owner to pay up all the costs.

5 years ago

Shawmut Woodworking & Supply, Inc. dba Shawmut Design & Construction in the News