
Northwood Ravin LLC Testimonials

4 other subs and suppliers have reviewed their experience with Northwood Ravin LLC. 1 also included specific feedback. Read about their experience, what they enjoyed, and the constructive feedback they wanted to share.

What other contractors are saying about working with Northwood Ravin LLC

How would you describe their payment process, speed, and policy?

I would like to personally thank John Johnson with NWR RAVIN. John is a self-motivated team member and a pleasure to know him. He demonstrates superior technical ability and produces work of exceptional quality. John fully understand the scope of HIS projects and displays keen attention to detail. Being able to manage a team is more than just giving pep talks and I know this first hand but John delegates tasks while supporting his team, making difficult discussions, and offering both positive and negative feedbacks, & I have seen John work in collaboration with his motivated team. From my observations l, I have noticed John meeting deadlines, Preparing meetings & Keeping his meetings on schedule. John respects the time of others & Makes effective use of discretionary time. John’s work ethic is a strong reflection of the company‘s core values. He demonstrates job role ownership and the ability to win as a team. I give John Johnson & his team a 100% for their hard work and dedication. Thank You John. Truly, Ingrid Valentin.

3 years ago