HomeContractorsDragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture)

Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture) Company Overview

Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture) is typically a Subcontractor who has worked on 44 jobs in the last 12 months according to available project information. Learn more about Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture)'s recent projects, testimonials from other contractors, and general payment terms below.


Our team, Dragados USA, Inc. and Flatiron West, Inc. collectively known as DF, brings the necessary transportation experience to successfully complete the California High-Speed Rail Construction Package 2-3 Project (CP 2-3). The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is responsible for the planning, design, construction and operation of the first high-speed rail system in the nation. The California High-Speed Rail System will connect the mega-regions of the State; contribute to economic development and a cleaner environment; create jobs for subcontractors and small business; and preserve agricultural and protected lands.

Company Website

Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture) Testimonials

On average, 1 company rated Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture) with mostly positive feedback on past and ongoing construction projects.

What other contractors are saying about Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture)'s payment practices

How would you describe their payment process, speed, and policy?

It's a great company to work their payment process is very good,and on time, their policy works,and over all I thought it was a great experience.

4 years ago
See all testimonials 

Job History

(Based on the available data)

Below you can find the job history overview of Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture). Learn more about jobs Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture) has worked on by exploring the full job history.











There are no reported liens in the past 4 years.
See full job history 

About Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture)

Headquarters Address

1775 PARK ST, Sacramento, CA 95814

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Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture) Awards

What do you think about how Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture) pays you? Leave an anonymous testimonial for Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture) in your recent experience

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171 other companies are following

Key Payment Steps and Software

Preliminary Notice

Always send

Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture) uses Levelset for preliminary notices. Send Preliminary Notice

Lien Waivers

Always Exchange

Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture) has not listed their lien waiver process. Send waivers with Levelset

Typical Contract Terms


Usually 5% retainage in California. See typical retainage by State for Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture).

Payment Terms

Typical contract pay terms not yet reported for Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture).

Days to Payment

Typical days to payment not yet collected for Dragados-Flatiron (Joint Venture).

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