
Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp

General Contractor

HomeContractorsConstruct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp

Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp Company Overview

Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp is typically a General Contractor who has worked on 80 jobs in the last 12 months according to available project information. Learn more about Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp's recent projects, testimonials from other contractors, and general payment terms below.

Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp Testimonials

On average, 24 companies rated Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp with mostly positive feedback on past and ongoing construction projects.

What other contractors are saying about Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp's payment practices

How would you describe their payment process, speed, and policy?

Great Company to work with, Professional and friendly. Smooth process, I look forward to doing more jobs with them in the future.

a year ago

CM Corp was so easy to work with! They handled every issue promptly and professionally.

3 years ago

It was so easy working with this GC and we were paid on time. We look forward to future projects.

3 years ago
See all testimonials 

Job History

(Based on the available data)

Below you can find the job history overview of Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp. Learn more about jobs Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp has worked on by exploring the full job history.













Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp has had 0 liens filed on projects this year and 3 in recent years.
See full job history 

Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp is featured in these lists

About Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp

Headquarters Address

27075 Cabot Rd Ste 114, Laguna Hills, CA 92653

See full contact info 

Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp News

Learn more about recent Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp construction payment-related news in the industry.

Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp Awards

What do you think about how Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp pays you? Leave an anonymous testimonial for Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp in your recent experience

Follow Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp for Updates

560 other companies are following

Key Payment Steps and Software

Preliminary Notice

Always send

Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp uses Levelset for preliminary notices. Send Preliminary Notice

Lien Waivers

Always Exchange

Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp uses Levelset for exchanging lien waivers. Exchange a waiver

Typical Contract Terms


Usually 10% retainage in California. See typical retainage by State for Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp.

Payment Terms

Others typically said they were paid when paid from Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp. See what were common payment terms.

Days to Payment

Construct & Maintain Corp dba CM Corp typically pays in 15 - 30 days. This is self-reported by other contractors at the end of projects.

See all contract term details