
Birch Construction Testimonials

12 other subs and suppliers have reviewed their experience with Birch Construction. 7 also included specific feedback. Read about their experience, what they enjoyed, and the constructive feedback they wanted to share.

What other contractors are saying about working with Birch Construction

How would you describe their payment process, speed, and policy?

We have a great relationship with Birch at KCP, and they usually pay our invoices within 45 days net, from the time that we submit an invoice.

2 years ago

On-time or with full communication

2 years ago

Good payment schedule

2 years ago

Quick Pay. Great to work with, Great Partners

2 years ago

We have worked with Birch Construction on many projects and are paid in a timely manner. They are communicative and present.

2 years ago

We bill by the 20th of each month and Birch pays us the week they are funded

2 years ago

They have always paid on time and even early! I have never had an issue getting paid and have done multiple projects with them.

2 years ago