Recent Questions & Answers About Alabama Bond Claim
Filing LiensI am a steel subcontractor working on a public job in Alabama. I have two separate "contracts" for this job. A purchase order for the...
trying to find the bonding company's information to file bond claim.I have a general contractor refusing to provide the payment bond information after sending the request certified mail. what to do next? they owe my...
Three notices have been sent and County Risk Management denied claim.I would like an consultation.
Virgin Islands: Is the project protected under the Miller Act? Bond Claim? Or simply a Lien?We were on a hurricane relief project in the US Virgin Islands. FEMA - Funded the project FEMA reimburses VIHFA (Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority)...
On Public Private projects we have been told we cannot file a lien because the property is “public” property but also have been told that the project does not have a bond because it is a commercial project. While the majority of city, county (parish), and state work is covered by "Little Miller Acts", where do public/private projects fall?We have had several public private projects where the state provides the land/buildings and the private entity will provide the funds to construct/remodel for affordable...