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17 Ways a Mechanics Lien Works to Get You Paid

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17 Ways a Mechanics Lien Works to Get You Paid


This guide was created for subcontractors, suppliers, and anyone else facing serious construction payment problems.

It’s an old story: you’ve invested time and money into a project but still haven’t been paid what you are due. Why wait any longer? There’s good news out there for unpaid construction project participants: the mechanics lien.

We break down how and why to use a mechanics lien, as well as some of the potential impacts of filing a lien.

  • Getting the attention of lenders and owners to speed up payment
  • Setting a firm deadline
  • Giving you leverage and ensuring that you get paid before others on the project
  • Locking up the property
  • Helping position you in bankruptcy
  • Getting attorney fees within reach
  • Causing contractual hurdles, pushing the people paying you to take action


A mechanics lien is not the only way to improve the payment process, but it is a reliable way to ensure you get what you’ve earned. This guide will help you understand the benefits and effects of filing a lien.